Spring update – What’s new in Appsemble

Welcome to the Spring 2024 update, where we share recent developments and future plans. Stay up to date on news automatically? Subscribe to our newsletter. What you can expect: Launch of openapps.nl – Apps for municipalities Discover OpenApps, a collection of apps developed by various municipalities, now available to everyone as fully working demos. These apps …

The development server is here

While building low-code apps, you might also want to change behavior in several of the building blocks you’re using. Experience so far has shown that building a more complex application touches about 5 blocks that need extra functionality for the app to perform just right. The open source blocks always allowed this, but using the …

Vacancy: fullstack webdeveloper

Appsemble is looking for a full-time (>=32h) full stack developer to join the team. Appsemble is an open source low-code app building platform. Apps are defined using YAML. Apps consist of pages that are composed using blocks to provide them with content and interactivity. It’s built using TypeScript, Node.js and React. As a team member …

Appsemble winter update

Many functionalities have been added since the last summer update.We list the most important updates, but first present the latest (open source) apps. New apps Workspace reservation app There is this app for when we can return to the office. Employees can easily reserve their own workplace so that locations are not overbooked. The app …

Appsemble summer release

Many, many new features have been added since the last blog post.We’ll list the most important ones in each category. New or updated blocks Most blocks received updates. Only a couple are listed below: Map block Allow grouping icons that would otherwise be too close together on this zoomlevel. Custom icons. Form block Radio buttons …

Appsemble development tutorial

One of the Appsemble developers created a video tutorial on how to install Appsemble locally (on Windows) and prepare your environment for development of apps and blocks. Of course, if you just want to build apps using existing blocks, you can just use our SAAS and don’t need to install anything. We hope this video …

News wrap-up – August

Successful workshop app building When the 2 workshop sessions ‘build your own app’ within the municipality of Amsterdam opened up for registration, it was fully booked within 2 days. 50 civil servants got out of the session with their own app. An incredible result, since we don’t have a friendly drag & drop editor yet. …